Hi everyone
I realised it had been a while since I had done a general update, and as there is quite a bit going on at the moment, I thought it was time for a blog post.
I've been a bit quiet over the last week or so as I've been unwell (don't worry, it wasn't Covid!), but I'm on the mend and so you'll start seeing a bit more action on the social media pages and website again.
First up, later this week we have the Afterpay Day sale on Thursday. I can't tell you quite yet what the sale will be, but I can say that everything will be on sale, so if you've had your eye on something, Thursday will be the day to get it.
As some of you will already be aware, I am relaunching my old handmade jewellery business (previously known as Leroy, Betty & Co.) as part of Betty & Leroy Vintage. Some of the jewellery will be the same as I previously sold, some will be limited runs, and some will be new pieces.
The launch will be on the last weekend of September, with the online launch on Sunday 27 September (join the Facebook event to be kept up to date and to get sneak peeks). However, if you want to see the jewellery in person, I will be at the My Walk in Wardrobe Sustainable Fashion Market the day before on Saturday 26 September. As some of the pieces will be one-offs, I highly recommend getting to the market if you see something you want and don't want to miss out.
I'm also applying for a few more markets in the lead up to Christmas, so fingers crossed we don't end up in lockdown again or at a higher alert level. I'll be posting these on the shop Facebook page as they come up, so make sure you like the page to be kept up to date.
Have a great week, and stay safe!