Some changes are coming...

Last week, I posted on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram about some small changes coming up for the store over the next couple of months. At the time, I didn't explain what I was doing, or why.

Late 2017 is when I started putting plans in place for my store. I had been running a handmade jewellery online store for years, and was ready for a change. While on a trip to California, I visited the Rose Bowl flea market in Pasadena and was OBSESSED. It's a huge flea market held monthly, with everything you can think of - amazing new, vintage and antique homeware, handmade items, amazing lemonade (which you need as it's often nearing 40 degrees while browsing), and miles of vintage clothing stalls. I spent hours perusing the stalls, and while I was, an idea was brewing. I loved the clothing so much that I wanted to be able to bring some of the pieces back, and share them with people back in NZ. I love shopping preloved and vintage, and was especially enthused by the return of the 90s that was happening at the time. 

And so, Betty & Leroy Vintage was born. I made another trip in 2018 and brought stacks of clothes back for our launch that November. In 2019 I did the same, as I had relationships with wholesalers by then and could pick out the stock in person.

I had plans to visit again in early/mid 2020, but then Covid hit. I closed the store while we were at level 4, and during that time I started rethinking things. I prefer to pick the stock myself (I have a hard rule that if it's not something I would wear, then I won't stock it), and as I wouldn't be making it back to the US for a while, things had to change. 

During mid-late 2020, I started implementing those changes - I was sourcing more stock locally, and finding new ways to sell in person as the Underground Market had closed earlier that year. During that time, I started veering more towards selling more modern preloved stock, and less and less vintage. I started making jewellery again as I was missing the creative side of the business.

And during that time I grew a new customer base. There were (and still are) people interested in the vintage side of things, but more of my customers liked the modern preloved. Which was awesome - I really love the new community we've grown!

Earlier this year I imported more of the US vintage stock. And because my customer base has changed, it's not selling like it used to. Which is fine - I'm someone who loves a wide range of styles of clothing, so was just as happy seeing the modern preloved stock selling well.

I think some people have probably seen my store name and thought "why does that say vintage when she sells mainly preloved?" And the paragraphs above is why. My business has grown and evolved, and the name doesn't quite sit right with what it is now.

So, the first big change is the name change! I didn't change this earlier as my second hand dealers licence says Betty & Leroy Vintage, but now it's time. It's still a while away as I want to use up all the stationery such as stickers and cards that I have on hand first, but our name will be changing from Betty & Leroy Vintage to just Betty & Leroy. There will be a new logo coming, and the name will slowly show up on all our social pages and on the website. This is still a while away, so don't expect this change overnight!

I will still be stocking vintage clothing as well as preloved, because I love both and want to share both with you.

Secondly, it's been a long time since I've made changes to the website. I have a small list of things I want to do, that will make things easier for the customer, and show our new direction a bit clearer. These will be done gradually, and I'll update you with each change.

The third change is a bit of a less exciting but necessary one. I use Courier Post for sending my stock as they're the most reliable company I've found (for me) for sending my stock and I want my customers to have a good experience. However, they're the most expensive by far, so even though I only charge you $5 for shipping or free over $50, parcels on average cost the business $10-15 to send. 

Last week I received a letter from Courier Post stating that their prices are increasing again. And I don't want to move courier companies (I've had some terrible experiences when I've tried other ones), but I need to start being able to pay myself from my store (2.5 years in and I still don't), so I'm going to have to start charging a bit more for postage. 

The increase will be small - $7 flat rate postage, and free for orders $70+, but it will make SUCH a difference to my profit margin that I need to do it. I've put it off for as long as I can, however the increase by NZ Post means I can't delay it any longer.

This change will come in at 1 July 2021.

Thank you SO much to everyone who is on board with this journey for my store. I LOVE doing it, and thrive on seeing people love what I love, so I hope you continue to be on board for this.

Do let me know what you think - whether it's on the comments on our social pages, or somewhere else. I love hearing from you so please let me know!


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