Hi everyone!
It's Monday afternoon here, and I'm sitting on the couch under a blanket with our namesakes, Leroy & Betty (two SPCA rescued Chihuahuas) while I recover from a severe allergic reaction I had in the weekend. I'm getting there, slowly, but it means I'm a bit behind with things and have to rest for a wee while!
I thought while I'm resting I'd give you an update on what's coming up. In a couple of weeks it's my birthday, and as I love celebrating (you'd think now I'm in my mid thirties that would have stopped, but no!), I've organised some fun things online for the store. We've got a sale planned, plus a giveaway, gift with purchase, and a couple of other small, fun things. Join the Facebook event to be kept in the loop with all the fun celebrations.
Our next market will be My Walk in Wardrobe in Lower Hutt on Saturday 21 August. This is always a fun, busy market, so pop down and say hi! As always, I'll have the usual store stock, plus our $5-20 clearance rack, and jewellery only available at markets. Find out more information on the Facebook event page.
There are still nearly five months until Christmas, but before we know it it'll be here, so I've started booking into and applying for markets. I'll be at quite a few in October/November/December, and some will be both jewellery and clothing, but at some I'll only be selling jewellery. Keep an eye on the events tab on our Facebook page to know where we will be.
Speaking of jewellery, there has been a sudden uptick in our jewellery sales. I'll be restocking the resin earrings soon with some pretty new pieces, but our necklaces in particular won't be restocked for a couple of months, and many of them only have one or two left. So if you've had your eye on one, head to the jewellery section now to check them out before you miss out (and they're also all sent by courier now, not by parcel post, so arrive quicker!).
You'll notice our wood earrings are no longer available online - this is because I now sell them for cheaper at markets and can't afford to sell them for the new, lower price online because of transaction and courier fees. However, I am looking into ideas on how I can bring them back online, and I'll let you know when I've figured it out.
Lastly, I haven't yet set a date for our next stock update, but will pop details up on our social media pages as soon as I do have a date. If you haven't checked out last week's stock update yet, there are still some awesome pieces left, so do have a look while they're still available.
Hope you all have a great week!